This eighth-grade science lesson is about dissecting kidneys. It is the third lesson in a sequence of five lessons on excretion. The lesson is 34 minutes in duration. There are 30 students in the class.

00:00:05Have a seat, Al. Right, ready to start guys. Now, what we're doing today.
00:00:12As you can probably see, we've got kidneys around the room, so we're going to do a kidney dissection.
00:00:17Now we've started talking about, with this topic, we've talked about excretion.
00:00:20Right, so- have a seat there. What we've done, we've started talking about excretion.
00:00:21So first of all, we've said excretion is when wastes are removed from the body.
00:00:34So excretion is when wastes are removed from the body.
00:00:36For example, when we breathe out we get rid of some wastes- from our- from our blood.
00:00:41What sort of wastes do we get rid of from our- from our blood when we breathe out, Harry?
00:00:44Carbon dioxide.
00:00:45Carbon dioxide. Okay. So one form of excretion is when we breathe out and we excrete carbon dioxide.
00:00:50Right another form is the kidneys and that's also involved in excretion.
00:00:55Right, so what waste- stand there please- what waste is removed from the blood by the kidneys?
00:01:02So what waste is removed by the blood from the kidneys? We talked about this last lesson. Who can remember? Harry?
00:01:07What's it called? It starts with u.
00:01:10Urea, right. Now urea is made when the body breaks down protein.
00:01:14If there's too much urea in the blood, it's a poison, it has to be got rid of. So that- the kidneys filter out the urea.
00:01:21What else do they get out of the blood? So they get urea out of the blood and they get something else out of the blood. Yeah?
00:01:25Carbon dioxide.
00:01:26No, they don't get carbon dioxide out of the blood. What else do they get out of the blood?
00:01:30No, they don't get oxygen out of the blood. Yep?
00:01:33Water, well done. Okay, so the kidneys, they filter two things out of the blood. They filter urea and they filter water.
00:01:39Right. When you mix the two together what do you get? can you tell me? Tony?
00:01:43Urine well done. Okay, so you mix urea with u- with ah water and you end up with urine. Right.
00:01:49As you walked in, you should have got a sheet, but no-one did, so we'll hand these out.
00:01:54Can you hand those out please? Give one to everyone.
00:01:57Right, first of all get your homework out please.
00:02:00Now we want to- you had to cut out um sections of the kidneys for homework.
00:02:05Let's go through and label the different parts.
00:02:15Sir, is that right?
00:02:17Yeah, that's right.
00:02:26I didn't get to finish it, sir.
00:02:32So on your, the one you did for homework, let's just go through and label the different parts. I've already labeled them on mine.
00:02:39I'll just rub that writing off the board. I want you to label these on your sheet.
00:02:47These are the parts of the kidney we're going to look at today.
00:02:50Right, so first of all, up the top of the kidney, the top part and the outside of the kidney is called the cortex.
00:02:58So use your ruler, draw a line from the top part of the kidney, opened up from the inside and that's called the cortex.
00:03:06So label that on yours please.
00:03:08Open up the flap of the- of the- ah- fr- open the kidney up. Label the cortex. It's just the part there. So the cortex is the part here.
00:03:22That part there. So it's the outside of the kidneys if you like. So the outside of the kidneys is called the cortex.
00:03:31Next part. This part here is called the Bowman's capsule, but that's been really highly, highly magnified.
00:03:38So that's- it's much, much bigger there that what it is normally. Have you got a note, Karen?
00:03:41Okay, can you hand in the note please? So it's been really magnified.
00:03:46So label those two parts, the bow- the cortex and the Bowman's capsule.
00:03:59Next part. The really dark red part, which is involved in the filtering the blood. Yep?
00:04:04I left it on the //bus.
00:04:05//on the bus, okay, we're just um- you'll just have to copy someone else's book for homework. Okay. Right.
00:04:11Medulla is this part here, the dark red part.
00:04:14So when you colour in that dark red part in the centre of the kidney, it's called the medulla.
00:04:24So the medulla is the part of the kidney involved in filtering the blood.
00:04:27So that filters the blood, and it filters out the urea, filters out the water.
00:04:32Come give me your note? Thanks, have a seat. Close the door.
00:04:41Right, and so I said the medulla's the part that filters out the urea and it filters out the water.
00:04:44What happens if it breaks down?
00:04:46Okay, if it breaks down then your body builds up with too much water-
00:04:50And it builds up with too much urea and so you get poisoned.
00:04:53There's too much urea there, it's too concentrated and it starts to break down your body cells and so you die.
00:04:58Yep. So the medulla filters out the urea, it filters out the water and it collects here in the pelvis.
00:05:05So label the pelvis, p-e-v, p-e-, p-e-l-v-i-s.
00:05:11And it collects in the pelvis. And once it's collected in the pelvis it runs down to the bladder- just move this across-
00:05:19It runs down to the bladder in a tube called the ureter.
00:05:24Okay, in a tube called a ureter.
00:05:26Okay, so, it gets filtered out in the medulla, it collects in the pelvis and it goes down the ureter, a tube down to the bladder.
00:05:34So label the bladder, which is down there. There's your bladder.
00:05:41We didn't get that on the sheet.
00:05:42Okay, I'll have to give you the sheet, and you'll have to catch it up. Okay.
00:05:47But just watch for the moment- just so- just learn the parts yourself.
00:05:50You'll have to catch it up later, but this is important to understand this for the dissection.
00:05:54Okay. Understand the different parts. Because you're going to find these different parts on your kidney. All right.
00:05:57Do we get one each?
00:05:58No, one per group. Right, so here's your bladder. Last part is your urethra.
00:06:04And that's the part that goes from the bladder to the outside. Okay.
00:06:08So the urethra is a tube going from the bladder to the outside. Yeah, John.
00:06:14What type of kidneys?
00:06:15Okay, we've got sheep's kidneys here, and I've also got some ox kidneys, and I'll show you those in a little while.
00:06:19Can I have an ox one?
00:06:21Sir, what's this part here called?
00:06:23Ah, the ureter.
00:06:39All right, everybody copied that down?
00:06:41So what we're going to do is we're going to go through the dissection sheet with you.
00:06:44Then you guys are going to dissect the um, kidney. And then we're going to put the results together. What we've found.
00:06:48What the diff- where the different parts are, and what the different parts do. So
00:06:54It's all yuk (inaudible). Isn't it supposed to be brown or something?
00:06:58It's all white. Um, that's right, good question. There's my big picture of the kidney. I'll just leave that up.
00:07:03Is that an //ox one?
00:07:04//It's because it's not (conceiving) any blood or (inaudible).
00:07:06(inaudible) that's the one there. All right, now you- there's some good questions.
00:07:14You can see the ones as you walked in, they're covered in a white material. Okay, so here is- okay, I'll fix it up in a minute.
00:07:21Here is two kidneys out of an ox. Now as you can see, this is how they normally come.
00:07:27This is what- so straight out of the animal, this is what it normally looks like.
00:07:29How many can tell me what you think that white material is? There you are, Al.
00:07:33Fat. Okay, so both kidneys, in our bodies also, the kidneys are surrounded by fat.
00:07:39All right, so to protect them and also to insulate them. Yeah, Julia?
00:07:42How big are our kidneys? In our body- like how big are they?
00:07:46How big are they? Okay, so about the same size as your fist again.
00:07:49So a bit- a bit s- so it's a bit smaller than the heart. So your heart's about the same size as your fist.
00:07:53Kidneys are a little bit smaller.
00:07:56All right. All right, so have your sheet out there in front of you. I'm going to go through the steps of the dissection.
00:08:02You're going to do a number of things. I'll just get that in the right spot there.
00:08:05All right, first of all, you have to remove the fat off the- off the kidneys. So you need a pair of scissors for that.
00:08:18So first of all remove the fat from r- the outside of the kidneys. It takes a little while.
00:08:26You can use the scissors, you can use a scalpel
00:08:30Oh yuck. That's mad.
00:08:32Does it come off easily?
00:08:33Yeah, the fat comes off really easily. It's probably easier just to- to pull it off.
00:08:38But as you pull it off, there's one thing to be careful of. There's a number of tubes coming out of the kidney.
00:08:43Don't rip them out.
00:08:44You don't want to rip them out.
00:08:45So peel- peel the fat off from all around the kidney on the outside, except for around where the tubes are.
00:08:50And where the tubes are, use a pair of scissors or the scalpel.
00:08:55Now, I'll show you how to use the scalpel. Scalpels are not for using like this, Al. Scalpels aren't to be used like this, okay.
00:09:04The way you use a scalpel is by using it to push the- the meat away, or the fat away.
00:09:09So you sort of scrape it with a scalpel. That sort of cuts it as well. So you don't cut things with a scalpel like that.
00:09:15You cut it by scraping like that. Right, so remove all the fat. I'll- I'll be ruthless and just pull the tubes off. I got lucky.
00:09:26Oh, there's the vein (inaudible).
00:09:27Okay so there's- you can see that there. There's the ureter. There's an artery. No, there's a vein and there's an artery.
00:09:35As I said, the dissection's quite simple.
00:09:37All you need to do guys is place the kidney on the side like this, and all you're going to do is do a cut-
00:09:44As you can see on the picture on your sheet there, you start cutting here, start cutting there,
00:09:49And you cut all the way around like this. So you can hold it here- don't want to touch.
00:09:53If you don't want to touch it you can use a pair of tweezers.
00:09:56Do people eat kidneys?
00:09:57People eat kidneys, yeah. Steak and kidney pie. Steak and kidney pie.
00:10:00Just like eating a (inaudible).
00:10:13So you see how I'm cutting it. Guys look at- look at what I'm doing please.
00:10:17So you start cutting from here, //right in the middle,
00:10:19//How far in, sir?
00:10:20and you cut your way around.
00:10:22Sir, how far in do you go?
00:10:23Only a little way in. So it's quite a simple dissection. Just go all the way around.
00:10:46It's not that bad.
00:10:48Okay, now I'm
00:10:52So cut it in half totally, and you need to find the different areas. Okay, so there's- there's a kidney cut in half.
00:11:00Let- let me show you the different areas.
00:11:01So, as you're doing the dissection, use the overhead to find- help find the different parts.
00:11:07Okay, so in the centre here, what's the one in the centre called?
00:11:11What's the one in the centre called?
00:11:12Not fat, no.
00:11:14Pelvis, thank you. Right, hand up for the next one, please. What's-
00:11:16Um, (magnia).
00:11:18Right, so there's the pelvis. Next one out is called the what, Tony?
00:11:19I can't read.
00:11:23Medulla, close enough. Medulla, right. On the way out again. Okay, Julia?
00:11:28Cortex, all right. And what's the name of this tube coming out here? The white long tube, okay
00:11:34Um, yes, Larry.
00:11:37Ureter, right. This is what you've got to do guys, three things.
00:11:40First of all, you've got to find those parts, and you need to put a pin in the right spot.
00:11:46So when you find the medulla, put a yellow pin there.
00:11:49When you find the cortex put a blue pin there. When you find the pelvis a red pin, and the ureter, a pink pin.
00:11:57So, first of all you've got to put a pin in the right spot.
00:12:00Second thing, you've got to label this picture, you've got to label that picture.
00:12:05Third thing- third and final thing you have to do is colour in the right spots. So I've got some coloured pencils here.
00:12:12You need to use the coloured pencils and colour in the kidney the same as your dissection.
00:12:18Right, now and the final instructions. First of all, all kidneys are to stay in the trays.
00:12:25Second of all, there's only one piece of equipment per group.
00:12:29So one pair of tweezers, one scalpel, one pair of scissors and one probe per group.
00:12:34Last instruction is that you are going to be marked on this.
00:12:39So you need to leave your dissections in the trays at the end, and also fill out the sheet properly.
00:12:46Right, um, you can begin that now. I'll come round and watch what you're doing.
00:12:54That's okay. Have fun. You'll enjoy it.
00:13:16Why were you late to class? Why were you late to class?
00:13:18Because I had to return the football, and Kyle and Tony were still kicking it around.
00:13:22And because Tony put it in my name, I had to return it.
00:13:24Yeah, but you were almost ten minutes late.
00:13:26Yeah, Bill was later than me and he didn't even have a note. He's in the wrong uniform, got the //wrong-
00:13:30//All right, I'll talk to you later, okay. Talk to you later.
00:13:48Al, what- what was the first instruction?
00:13:51Don't take 'em out of the tray.
00:13:53I had to rip it out, (inaudible).
00:13:55Sir, can I do it with Rondah's group.
00:13:58Can Rondah (inaudible).
00:14:01Yes, for today only.
00:14:03What are we doing?
00:14:04I've got to rip this open and get the kidney.
00:14:06I'm not ripping it open.
00:14:08Sir, why is it so hard?
00:14:09That's the fat.
00:14:12Yes, where is she? Yes.
00:14:15I'm here.
00:14:20Is that right?
00:14:21Yeah, that's right. Yep. So what you can do while you're waiting is get some pencils and colour it in. I haven't seen it yet.
00:14:28What are we supposed to colour in?
00:14:29Colour that- colour it the same colour as that. So when you- when you open it up-
00:14:33Oh, okay.
00:14:35Colour that in the same colour as what you see.
00:14:36Gimme that pen.
00:14:40Sir, what is this (inaudible).
00:14:43Oh careful. Use tweezers when you're using a scalpel. Otherwise you cut- cut right through. Cut your finger.
00:14:47Don't worry, I'm used to cutting my finger.
00:14:51Look at all the blood!
00:14:54Will I cut apart these (inaudible)?
00:14:55Use the tweezers, here you are.
00:14:56Yeah, but-
00:14:57Use those things.
00:14:59You know what I'm talking about.
00:15:02Be careful you don't destroy the um,
00:15:04Actual wires.
00:15:07The tubes coming off. //Wires-
00:15:11Keep going, you're doing well.
00:15:15Okay, you're doing it properly guys? Being careful? Not destroying the tube?
00:15:19Harold, can you tell me why you were late for class today?
00:15:21Ah, because ah, I lost my diary and I was looking for it all recess, and then I- and then I went up to- I-
00:15:29I found it, eventually found it, and then I looked what class I had (inaudible), because I couldn't find what class I had without my diary.
00:15:37What happened to your diary? Who took your diary?
00:15:38Oh it fell out- it must have fallen out of my bag.
00:15:45So this has got quite a bit of fat on it, hasn't it.
00:15:49Red in the pelvis.
00:15:50So you found the ureter.
00:15:51Red in the pelvis.
00:15:52We've found it have we. Yellow's, what yellow's medulla. Yeah, well done.
00:15:56Red in the pelvis.
00:15:57Yeah, red in the pelvis, that's right.
00:15:59Blue. Blue goes on there isn't it, sir?
00:16:02The cortex, yeah, is that the cortex.
00:16:04Yeah, the outside layer.
00:16:05Yeah, that's right.
00:16:06Good, that's it.
00:16:08And the ureter. The ureter.
00:16:10That's in the that corner again-
00:16:11(inaudible) flip it out.
00:16:12Yes, that means you have to open it up. It's one of these tubes, have to work out which one it is.
00:16:18I'm going to have to do some serious (inaudible). Can I rip out these things?
00:16:21Yep. But you've got to put them back in when you find the other one. How are we going guys?
00:16:28Um, are we doing this wrong?
00:16:30No. It takes a while to get the fat off.
00:16:34And you see three tubes coming out. The white one's the ureter.
00:16:37How come it's- can we take out blue blood out of here? //Will blue blood come out?
00:16:41//How about this one? How come it's all got that stringy stuff in it Mr.?
00:16:46Mr., whatever, Mr. (inaudible). How come it's got that stringy stuff?
00:16:48Which stringy stuff? That clear-
00:16:49Yeah, that.
00:16:51Okay, that's connective //tissue.
00:16:52//Ow, Julia.
00:16:53It's called connective tissue.
00:16:55It connects organs together.
00:16:56That stuff there.
00:16:57Yeah, it's called connective tissue.
00:17:00Sir, do you cut the string?
00:17:01No, don't cut the string, though try and remove the fat without taking the string off.
00:17:06Mr. Mann.
00:17:08Where is the video going to?
00:17:09Um, it's going to a research company, and they're going-
00:17:15What country?
00:17:16Oh, in Australia I think.
00:17:18I thought (inaudible).
00:17:21You're doing well there. It's got lots of fat on it, hasn't it.
00:17:25Lots and lots and lots.
00:17:28Year nine, yeah.
00:17:29I want to stab one.
00:17:31Okay, now, what colour's it got?
00:17:33So what have you found- what's the yellow one? Medulla. Yeah.
00:17:35Blue, blue.
00:17:39There it is, the white tube. Yeah, what's that called.
00:17:41Just watch out for my finger.
00:17:45What's that one called. What's
00:17:46That's the urethra.
00:17:47No, the ureter.
00:17:49Yeah, the ureter- I just can't pronounce it.
00:17:52Okay, did you find the ureter? So there should be three tubes coming off. The ureter, the artery and //the vein.
00:17:57//I need a sheet.
00:17:58Do you want me to cut out, //or you want to cut?
00:17:59//Okay, there's a sheet on my front bench.
00:18:00Yeah, we're finished.
00:18:01Mr. Mann, we're (inaudible).
00:18:03Mr. Mann, can I go and dissect the other one?
00:18:04Finished? So you put the pins in the right spot. Well done, so that's- what's that called?
00:18:06That's the-
00:18:09Pelvis. What's this one called?
00:18:12Yeah, close enough, //medulla,
00:18:15The cortex and-
00:18:18Ureter, well done. Now, you need to do two more things. //You need to label your diagram- you need to label your diagram and colour it in.
00:18:19//Sir, what's white stuff?
00:18:24Can I dissect that one?
00:18:25Sir, What's this? What's this white stuff?
00:18:26Mr. Mann-
00:18:27Which //one?
00:18:28//Can I... the one over there. Oh.
00:18:30What's this white stuff here?
00:18:31Um, connective tissue.
00:18:33Yeah. It connects all the organs in your body together.
00:18:37So cause your organs don't just float around. They're connected to each other.
00:18:43Are they all the veins and stuff there?
00:18:45Yep. So you should find um, an artery in there.
00:18:47So, you might cut it. Look, all right, you might've cut one off there, but keep going.
00:18:53Just try and remember- oh there's the white one. There's a white one coming off, there's a ureter.
00:19:03That's disgusting.
00:19:04You may have cut it off. That's okay, the //ureter's the important one.
00:19:08//Do people eat this?
00:19:10There it is look, there is some.
00:19:11Do people eat this?
00:19:12So there's your ureter. There's a artery to the artery, and here's your vein on the other side.
00:19:20And why's it-
00:19:21There's your vein there. See your vein's much thinner.
00:19:24Mr. Mann. Why's it got a renal-
00:19:25Okay. Renal means kidney.
00:19:28Oh okay.
00:19:29So it's the artery, it's the blood supply to the kidney. Okay, so there's your artery.
00:19:32There's your vein.
00:19:34Okay (inaudible).
00:19:35And there's your ureter.
00:19:36Cut it open, yep.
00:19:40How you going guys? Where- you found what- so you've done the three things?
00:19:44Is that correct? (inaudible) told me.
00:19:47Yeah, well done.
00:19:48Oh, look at that, and I haven't even seen nothing.
00:19:50Blue, cortex. //What's that called?
00:19:51//Number one, mate, number one.
00:19:52What's that called?
00:19:53The pelvis.
00:19:56Yep, and
00:19:57Vertex. //Work
00:19:57//No, no.
00:19:58I //can't read type- verse-
00:19:59Uh. Yeah.
00:20:02Uterus. Ha, ha.
00:20:04See ya later mate.
00:20:05Lara finished it.
00:20:06Okay, so (inaudible) what's this called?
00:20:11Yeah, um,
00:20:12What's this one?
00:20:15Close, and-
00:20:21Yeah that.
00:20:22Ureter. Okay, let's go through them again Jenna. This one. Come on, you should know them.
00:20:27You sta- you stage fright. (inaudible) cortex, medulla, pelvis, ureter. Cortex-
00:20:35Cortex, mildura, (Alla Dallas) [ laughter ]-
00:20:38That's a city. And pelvis. Pelvis, ureter. Okay. So what, have you coloured it in?
00:20:45Have you coloured your picture in, and have you labeled your diagram? Okay. Do that now please.
00:20:49I like to use things.
00:20:50Okay, pack up quickly guys.
00:20:51Because you've got to do your drawing, you've got to colour it in, and you've got to label your diagram.
00:20:59Okay, you (inaudible). Can you tell me what they are?
00:21:03Um, Cortex,
00:21:04Ahh, mella.
00:21:08Claylou or something.
00:21:09No, same name as this. What's that called?
00:21:12Pelvis, and-
00:21:13And urea.
00:21:14Yeah, good. Have you coloured your picture in?
00:21:17And have you labeled your diagram?
00:21:19Well you do that now please. So wash your hands and you can start doing that.
00:21:23Finished, Mr. Mann.
00:21:25Good, excellent.
00:21:29Say, you should almost be ready- you should be colouring in at least, or labeling your diagram.
00:21:30What's that?
00:21:35Ah, sir, is this right?
00:21:37Can you tell me what they are?
00:21:39Yep, okay, this is the (uretha), this is-
00:21:42No, that's not right.
00:21:43Isn't it? It's one of the ends isn't it.
00:21:46Yeah, that's it. Ureter. The tube coming away.
00:21:50There's the pelvis.
00:21:52There's the medulla and there's the cortex.
00:21:53Well done, excellent. So label it. Well done, and colour it in. And then sit down. Sit down and do that.
00:21:59Alice, what are you up to? Tell me what they are? Can you tell me what the different parts are?
00:22:03Ah that's the mendulla.
00:22:05Yeah, medulla, what's the other side.
00:22:06Ah, cortex,
00:22:08Yeah, and-
00:22:09That's the ureter.
00:22:10Yeah, ureter. That's right. There's a few sheets coming off there. Yeah, I'll get you another sheet. Okay.
00:22:15So, have you coloured your picture in?
00:22:17No, because I've been-
00:22:18Colour your picture in please. And label your diagram. Can you do that now please? Just leave that there.
00:22:26Um, sir.
00:22:29I need to dry my hands.
00:22:30Okay, towels there.
00:22:38All right, you should be sitting down now please.
00:22:42Is that red part the medulla?
00:22:44Yes, I'll show you. So that's- that's your um,
00:22:45Is that right?
00:22:47That's right, so that's the pelvis, medulla and cortex. (inaudible).
00:22:50What are those things (inaudible ).
00:22:53Um, yeah that's right. That's right, and that's right.
00:22:59What are those things down there?
00:23:01Things down where?
00:23:02Those stinky things.
00:23:03Oh they're ox kidneys.
00:23:05Are they.
00:23:06So see they're much bigger. No, they've already been cut up. That one's already been cut up and they smell too.
00:23:10Yeah I know.
00:23:12Like fish.
00:23:13Wash your hands guys. Sit down please.
00:23:36So at the end of the lesson I'll come around and mark your dissections.
00:23:40We better get ten out of ten.
00:23:41You better. I hope you did.
00:23:43We only got one last time.
00:23:46You got one. Yeah last time it was like um, little cubes.
00:23:49But we didn't even touch it.
00:23:50Is this right?
00:23:51Yeah, that's why.
00:23:52Medulla, pelvis, cortex, renal artery, renal vein, and that one there. What's that one called? Yeah, ureter.
00:23:59Ours wouldn't go right open.
00:24:01That's fine, yep.
00:24:02Could I please have a sheet.
00:24:04Last time we got nine out of ten.
00:24:29Hey. Andy, Andy, Andy. Turn around.
00:24:54I'll give you a half a minute, then we'll go through the an- answers.
00:24:58Mr. Mann.
00:25:00Yeah. I'll wash my hands in a minute.
00:25:09You did. Or you didn't.
00:25:13You did wash your hands?
00:25:14No I will. Because they small, they're smelly. They smell like kidney. So, Crystal, have you had steak and kidney pie?
00:25:24You had it. Do you like it? You had it on Sunday. I like it. It's nice. It's good for you too.
00:25:31I love it. Yum. All right, let's go through the answers, guys, sit down please. Go through the answers.
00:25:37I've got a picture on the board and I want you to be able to label the different parts for me.
00:25:43So finish colouring off what you're colouring in.
00:25:47Let's go through the answers. Harry, sit up please. I'm going to ask someone.
00:25:51I'm going to choose someone at random, and they should be able to tell me.
00:25:55Sorry, some people are still talking while I'm talking.
00:25:58I'm going to choose someone at random, and you're going to tell me what the name of the part of the kidney is.
00:26:02So have a look at your diagram. I'm going to choose someone at random,
00:26:04I will.
00:26:05And they're going to tell me what part it is. All right, Al, number one. This part here, in the middle, what's it called?
00:26:11Pelvis. Well done. What colour's the pelvis, Al?
00:26:21Okay. What colour is it? Kyle got it. What colour is it?
00:26:25That's white. Pelvis is white, it's not yellow. Next one. Right, what's this- okay, the dark red area around the outside.
00:26:36Yeah, medulla, or medulla. Some people say medulla. Some people say medulla. Right, Julia, W. What's the outside called?
00:26:48The outside called?
00:26:49Cortex, well done. And last bit, the tube coming off, is called the, Jackson-
00:26:55Ureter. Well done. Ureter.
00:26:58Right, what I want you to do, I'm going to give you a find a word from the words we've looked at today.
00:27:03I want you to be able to find the words, and as you find the words I'm going to go mark- round and mark your dissections.
00:27:09You need to finish off the questions from that sheet and finish colouring it in.
00:27:12So while you're doing that I'll mark your- your dissections. Can you share with Allison please.
00:27:18Mr. Mann.
00:27:22Charlene, can you hand those around please? There's one between two.
00:27:24Mr. Mann.
00:27:28I thought we had to colour it the pin colour.
00:27:31The what colour?
00:27:32I thought we had to colour it the pin colour.
00:27:34Oh, sorry, okay, I confused you. That's my fault. Sorry.
00:27:37Is that all right then?
00:27:46So while you're working on that I'll come around and mark your dissections? mm, I'll give it.
00:28:02What do we get, sir? What do we get? What do we get?
00:28:03You'll find out. Shh. Thanks? I'll tell you in a minute. Mm.
00:28:19What is my mark.
00:28:23Oh, I like this one... Yes, Anna.
00:28:32(inaudible) original.
00:28:33Oh right. Maybe I want the original. It's one between two.
00:28:41Can I have it anyway? Harry can have the one (inaudible) and I'll have this one.
00:28:45Okay. I like this one. This one's good.
00:28:54Mr. Mann.
00:28:57Can you what sorry?
00:28:58Sit here.
00:28:59Sit there? What do you mean? Yeah, but now you can. Yeah... They're good dissections. I like them.
00:29:17Could have done a little bit better. Last one.
00:29:39I'll mark my own. Mm. Two do you think?
00:29:48I reckon you'll get eight. I reckon.
00:29:51Go away, Kyle.
00:30:00Can I get one person from each group please to get the kidneys and bring them down the front please.
00:30:04So one person from each group, bring your kidneys, bring them down the front. Just put them in a pile.
00:30:13Are you going to tell us-
00:30:14Yeah, I'll tell your mark. Thank you.
00:30:19Sir, what did we get?
00:30:21Thank you.
00:30:22What did we get?
00:30:23Thank you. I'll tell you in a minute.
00:30:25Sir, can I please go out and get my (inaudible).
00:30:28Ahh yep. Thank you. And one more. Harry, yours please. Harry, your kidney please. Gee, they're starting to smell a bit.
00:30:37I'll tell you in a minute. I'll read them out at the end of the lesson.
00:30:42I got my one.
00:31:05All right, let me just read out your marks, what you got for the dissection.
00:31:08May I say everyone did a good job today, and it's hard to judge the different dissections.
00:31:13They were fairly closely ranked together. Okay, here's your marks. Group one got eight and a half.
00:31:18Where's group one?
00:31:20Oh sorry, here, sorry. Eight and a half for this group here.
00:31:23Eight for this group here. Um, group six over there got nine and a half. Group ah five at the back got nine and a half again.
00:31:34Back over here, nine and a half.
00:31:36As I said, it was hard to tell the difference, they were so good. Right. The group here got nine. Nine and a half.
00:31:43And I also judged mine the same standard, and I got seven and a half. So as you saw, everyone did a better job than me.
00:31:49Because you took your time, you did a better job than me so well done. So, finish up that find a word. You got eight.
00:32:00So finish off that find-a-word, or finish it off for homework if you don't finish it now.
00:32:12Mr. Mann.
00:32:18Are all the words here?
00:32:20No, they're not.
00:32:22Yeah, they're all there. Some- it could be diagonally backwards.
00:32:26Oh. You weren't helping me, I've got all the ones you've got.
00:32:31Could I have all the pencils down the front please. Stand up behind your chairs. Stand up behind your chairs please.
00:32:47You're the smartest science teacher in the science.
00:32:50Do you want to say it louder? Say it again, say it again.
00:32:59Are you the smartest-
00:33:00All right, stand up behind your chairs please. Guys, I don't want to have to say to stand up behind your chairs again.
00:33:05Stand up behind your chairs quietly. Right, when you're ready I'll let you go. Which row's ready first?
00:33:18There's so much rubbish there? Al, are you ready?
00:33:22You should be standing quietly.
00:33:32Right, the row's not going until they're all back. Back row can go please.
00:33:39Yeah, look at the paper-
00:33:40Pick them all up please, Jackson. Front row can go. I'll wait for all those pencils to be picked up before that row goes.
00:33:49Second row can go.
00:33:56Sir, I smell like kidney.
00:33:58Did you wash your hands?
00:34:02Thanks, Jackson. Yeah. Yep, you can go. The box is over here.
00:34:15Hi Mum.